What is your biggest gripe and appreciation with the current elo system?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, April 5, 2022 5:05 PM

I've been grinding ranked since the game came out and think we've experienced some big changes ever since beta. I always see people complaining about the current elo system and hidden mmr. However, I feel like there's things we can appreciate that I have not noticed about how our current match making system is structured.

Shed some light on what you think Riot is doing correctly. I played CS for a while and didn't really pay any mind to the ranked system, but I actually don't know what REALLY happens behind the scenes what a company does when cultivating a philosophy for their new tactical fps game coming out. What's good as it is and what could be reworked?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/twasd6/what_is_your_biggest_gripe_and_appreciation_with/
  • https://reddit.com/twasd6

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