Posted by Steve
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 11:05 AM
Valorant is my first fps pc game. I started playing since the game came out and I’ve seen the word “Smurf” being thrown around a lot. When I first started I didn’t know what this word meant in terms of gaming/valorant. I asked the lobby what it meant and they said “a new low level account that you can easily win”. I was curious about this topic ever since I played valorant. It always seemed like a common problem in valorant especially since I always play competitive (solo queue). Ironically I created a second account to see if I could match the rank on my main account. I was able to get it 2 ranks below my main. My main is plat 1 and my 2nd account is gold 2. When I play on my second account I don’t feel like I’m smurfing. It does feel easier but it’s mainly because my main account I felt like I’m facing Smurfs. I’ve verified through all chat that many players do in fact Smurf from d3 on gold/play lobbies (on my main).
I recently posted on this subreddit and someone said a Smurf account is basically a 2nd account. They said that even if the 2nd account and your main account is the same rank, it is still called a Smurf account. This seems like an odd definition because I’ve never heard of it. I’ve always seen/heard a Smurf being a LOW ranked account (compared to your main) for easy wins.
Please answer the poll on your definition of smurf. Thank you.
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