What else can I do to “git gud”?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, December 17, 2022 1:43 PM

Hi, I’m a new player ( been playing for a month) trying to climb up the ranks at the moment and I just want some more advice in order to improve my game sense and general gameplay overall in the game.

I have currently done my placement matches and I have been placed Bronze 2 this week and now I am at Bronze 3 28RR. But most of these wins are either me getting carried or just by luck that the enemy team was worse than me. Transitioning from Unrated to Comp really felt overwhelming at points that I would just bottom frag most of the time and I want to know what I can do to better my gameplay to stop relying on coinflip games (i.e: getting carried, or wishing for a bad opponent)

I have been trying to improve my gameplay through target practice, understanding angles/off-angles, knowing my agents (and my enemy’s agents) and practicing movement.

For reference, (since idk if games played a day factor as well) I usually do 3-4 comp matches a day and immediately stop when I lose or tilt.

Any suggestions are appreciated!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/znqrym/what_else_can_i_do_to_git_gud/
  • https://reddit.com/znqrym

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