What fingers do you use to hold the WASD keys/Ability keys in VALORANT?

Posted by Steve

Monday, June 28, 2021 5:33 PM

I know this sounds like an odd question but it's not something I see talked about a lot. As the title says, what fingers do you use for movement and abilities? (For abilities just refer to the default binded ones, C/Q/E/X).

I'm not only asking this for curiosity sake, i'm also asking because i'm looking to improve and see what other people think is the most optimal finger placement.

For me currently, for WASD, I only use my index finger and thumb. Index for both W and S, and thumb for both A and D. For jumping I use my thumb, crouching I use CTRL, and walking I also use CTRL. For abilities I usually just use whatever finger is closest to that key, C and X would be my thumb, Q would be my middle finger and E would be my index. I feel like i'm disadvantaged by playing like this and i'm looking to change. (mostly for movement, not really abilities)

For reference, i'm not really a bad player. I've been playing since release and this finger setup has worked fine, but sometimes I feel like I could be a better player simply based on different finger placement. As stated before, i'm looking to improve and i'm curious to see how other people setup their hand/fingers on the keyboard when playing VALORANT. Any tips are appreciated.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/o94ipt/what_fingers_do_you_use_to_hold_the_wasd/
  • https://reddit.com/o94ipt

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