Posted by Steve
Tuesday, August 2, 2022 1:00 PM
Seriously... Vote BEFORE reading this explanation.
!Ok. So, i've been playing since the Beta opened and have always been obsessed with exact numbers and stats. 4s to plant, 3.5/3.5 to defuse, only the Marshal, Operator, and Guardian can achieve perfect accuracy, etc. One of the things I have specifically noted in my head is that the Bulldog has 0.3 first shot spread on the normal fire (equal to the ghost, worst of any rifle) but just 0.1 if using the ADS burst fire (equal to a Guardian hipfire) making it objectively better to ADS for fights past medium range and giving it the potential to beat Phantom/Vandal at those longer ranges despite having worse normal accuracy, ROF, and DMG.!<
!Except. When I was randomly reading through the weapon stats preround, I noticed the listed stats now say 0.3/0.3 instead of 0.3/0.1, which would be a huge nerf if its not an accidental miss-type. Bulldog rifle · Valorant weapons · Valorant game from Riot ( - Still lists it as 0.3/0.1, but ingame:!<

!When firing with the spread indicator on, the first shot is listed as 0.10 Firing 0.00 Movement. So it *looks* like its just a random incorrect edit.!<
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