What do you folks think of having two separate volume controls, for loud and quiet sound effects? (Accessibility Idea)

Posted by Steve

Saturday, June 5, 2021 5:19 AM

As is currently in the game, there is a big difference in volume between obvious sound effects (gunfire, spike stuff, abilities like walking through Cyber Cage) and subtle sound effects (running, reloading, jumping). I know that, for the vast majority of players, this isn't really a problem. But I'm a person with sensitive ears, and I have a choice between turning my in-game sound effect volume high (blasting my ears and causing them to hurt/ring afterwards) and turning it low (making me unable to hear subtle sound effects and reducing my awareness). I've settled on the latter option, and I usually choose agents whose abilities can "see" for me (Sova, Cypher, Killjoy, etc.)

Having an accessibility feature to independently turn up/down these two types of sound effects would be super helpful for people like me, and I'm wondering if anyone else in the community would support this. I have no idea whether this is feasible from an implementation perspective, but I think it'd be fair from a gameplay perspective - most people wouldn't gain an unfair advantage since they can already hear all of the sound effects, and people like me would get a better experience when playing the game. I'd totally understand if there were some way to exploit such a feature, though.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, especially if you work on the game!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/nsgrx0/what_do_you_folks_think_of_having_two_separate/
  • https://reddit.com/nsgrx0

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