Posted by Steve
Friday, July 30, 2021 9:24 AM
So I'm Plat 3 and I main killjoy and some games I do just fine but sometimes when I play it feels like the opponents play perfect valorant and just run around 1-tapping everything. I have good aim but in some games, it feels like I never get to use it. Like when it feels like I'm playing 2v4 retake every defense round because every time I switch sites they just 5-man the site I just switched from and when I change back that's the round its time to start pushing the site I was on. And on attack, they do the perfect thing to counter you every time almost.
And then when you lose the game you go into a dm and everyone is behind you or perfectly double swinging you or sitting in random corners or holding off angles and you don't get one clean fight the entire deathmatch.
It's like what do you do I really want to be good at the game but I just don't know how to progress. It's like I know I'm far from the perfect player and I know my weakness is not my aim (although it could ofc improve too) and my comms wins me games although I want to be able to win the games where my team doesn't listen to me as well. But I don't know how to train the other aspects of the game.
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