What are the general strategies in Val and their counters?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, April 4, 2023 2:12 PM

I’m relatively new to Val, have been playing 1 act so far, and have been stuck around Silver 3/Gold 1. Mostly just because I heavily train aim, that’s just what I find enjoyable. My main issue is that I’m just very lost throughout rounds as to what I should do. My default on almost every character is just going through mid and pressuring flank. That doesn’t always work. I play Phoenix and Omen, but I just am not sure how to react to what enemies are doing. Enemy team fakes sites? No idea what to do. Enemy team defaults? No idea what to do. Enemy team flanks? No idea what to do. Whenever I watch high elo vods they always looks so sure of whatever they are doing and they no doubt always have a plan in mind, so I just want to know how to go about playing strategically, or at least where I can go to learn strategy.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/12ag886/what_are_the_general_strategies_in_val_and_their/
  • https://reddit.com/12ag886

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