What do I do? How can I rank up?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 7:00 AM

I’m at an absolute low right now. I used to be silver 1 and I hit iron 3 a few days ago, I climbed back to bronze 2. I normally play with friends but at this point all I do is lose confidence when I play with them, all they care about is kills and harass me when I don’t do well. They are good people outside of valorant but their egos are so huge since they are silver and I’m not. I just can’t perform at my peak when I’m playing with them. I tried solo queuing and all I had were losses, I would team/match mvp most games and I would just keep losing. I would usually go omen, and sometimes Jett/Reyna. I can’t solo when just due to how bad some teammates are, but although I’ll win with friends most times I just get worse and worse and feel less confident in myself and my aim. How should I avoid solo q but also rank up and improve myself? I don’t know how I’m going to get back into silver as solo q just isn’t working, and just don’t have any confidence playing with my friend group.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/nf3jbj/what_do_i_do_how_can_i_rank_up/
  • https://reddit.com/nf3jbj

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