Posted by Steve
Thursday, December 22, 2022 9:53 PM
I'm shocked at how Swiftplay has completely reconnected me with the game. Its lighter than unranked but people seem to try harder, probably because the games are shorter thus even if you are losing you wont be in this state for long enough to affect your morale.
Having said that, because this game mode exposes me to lot significantly more players as I played one one game after the other, I learned a few surprising things:
- A players rank means a lot less than I thought in terms of skill - I have seen in this mode gold players appear more gifted than diamond players, but the I have a feeling that if the game went on for longer this would change. Perhaps the main trait of a better player is remaining consist throughout a game and not so much sporadic bursts of brilliance.
- The composition of a team in terms of agents matters more or as much compared to the actual individual skill of each player,
- Momentum is so so important - In a short game there isn't enough time for momentum to be a massive factor, thus people quit less, give up less and just overall are able to withstand bad rounds without allowing them to spill over to the next one,
- And finally, and I'm sorry of this sounds a bit negative but because I have been exposed to more players I am starting to see a lot of unrealistic plays, players that have the knowledge confidently of positions that they shouldn't have, with zero queues. Typically the movement of these players does not match this god level game sense. I saw a bit of this in unranked, rarely in comp, but in this game mode I see it over and over again.
What have you learned from this game mode?
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