What is lore?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, March 13, 2021 11:33 PM

What is lore? Like I know its been in development for a long time and we know only a small portion of the whole story of VALORANT, but what is lore? I know about Kingdom and the VALORANT Protocol and about agents, but what is lore? I know how Brimstone and Killjoy are like father and daughter, and how Phoenix and Jett are really good friends but nothing romantic is between them yet, but what is lore? I know how Omen and Viper are monsters and how Viper healed with her power according to Omen, but what is lore? I know how First Light set everything into motion and the VALORANT Protocol was founded a while after it happened, but what is lore? I know about Earth 67 and how Jett from that world was trying to do something with the spike which lead to the Rise of Venice, but what is lore? I know how there was the story about Allegra Morreti and how Raze was originally male and Sova female, but what is lore? I know how Skye is an eco-warrior and Yoru is looking for an ancestor and I know about rifts and stuff, but what is lore? I know Phoenix is an ex-business student who burned down his school, Jett was a chef, Viper was a scientist, Brimstone was in the military, but what is lore? So could somebody tell me what the lore of VALORANT is? Or maybe, there is no lore?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m422tf/what_is_lore/
  • https://reddit.com/m422tf

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