Posted by Steve
Tuesday, July 20, 2021 12:45 PM
This is a general question coming from someone newer to the Valorant Comp scene. I'm currently hovering around plat 3 and occasionally getting close to d1. From the past episodes I've noticed at the start of each we drop very far down in ranks. Im curious as to what the reasoning behind this is? When looking into the issue I see that its mainly due to the fact that the top players fight over radiant ranks, however I feel that the need to drop all players ranks seems redundant. I would understand if all radiant and immortal players were to drop down to the base of immortal, but to drop them to diamond?? really?? As well, with there being a hidden mmr why would rank dropping even be necessary? Radiant and immortal accounts are already going to be playing with that said rank.
My main concern is the fact that when trying to climb through the ranks, im finding myself in the strangest matches where I have a silver 3 playing with a team of plats(1-3) and then the other team has a diamond 2, and a diamond 1. The comp system just seems like they have an ape in the background grabbing players and throwing them into a mixing pot and thats what you get.
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