What is up with the role distripution?

Posted by Steve

Friday, December 30, 2022 7:29 PM

So we have 4 roles in the game and yet it feels to me like 50% of the playerbase wants to main duellist 30% sentinels 10% initiators and 10% smokers.

But somehow many of those duellist mains actually dislike having to entry, or at least thats how i feel. So my question is, why the hell would you main a role whos main job it is to run in and probably die, if you apparently prefere to stand back and let others do that?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/zxy91x/what_is_up_with_the_role_distripution/
  • https://reddit.com/zxy91x

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