What are some strategies to deal with aggressive OP-ers?

Posted by Steve

Sunday, March 21, 2021 12:45 AM

Hello everyone, me and a friend have been playing more these past few weeks and we climbed from Gold 1-2 to Plat 2-3.

At this rank we started to encounter people playing OPs on attack more and more and we don't really know what to do to counter them effectively. I would stay on defense, holding an off angle, since I like to play Omen and it is really easy to position with him, but even so when they peek me with the OP most of the time I do between 100-140 dmg to them and then just die to the 1 shot.

The only thing that kinda worked for us is to play together on a site and if an Op peeks us one of us dies and the other gets the trade. But even that doesn't always work as they will also trade the second guy.

Even if we manage to win the round, every time there is a decent players on the enemy team and they get an OP on attack we lose 2-3 players to the OP at least.

Anyone got any tips on how we could deal with this?

Thank you all for reading and have a great day.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m92ozh/what_are_some_strategies_to_deal_with_aggressive/
  • https://reddit.com/m92ozh

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