What do you think about having a Solo Queue option?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, September 20, 2022 8:55 PM

What do you think about having a Solo Queue option?

Riot or other High ELO Players may think differently about this but LOW ELO is plagued with SMURFS... And this is unfair to those who are actually on that level since the difference between their skill levels is most of the time very wide...

Why not have a solo Queue that can be enable and disable by the users. We all know that the primary reason high level players play at lower ELO is to play with their friends, sometimes boosting someone, bottom line is, it is difficult to really assess them if they are actually smurfing or just having one of those days. By having a solo queue, a player is guaranteed a lobby with other solo queuing players. There might be smurfs who plays solo but i believe it is very low percentage of the total smurfs. You maybe encountering a smurf account one every five, as suppose to 2/3...

Maybe this is a good way to handle smurfing issues, like you can play with your friends but you will be matched with other parties as well, and maybe those solo players that have the option disabled.

So what you guys think?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/xirf1g/what_do_you_think_about_having_a_solo_queue_option/
  • https://reddit.com/xirf1g

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