Posted by Steve
Friday, June 4, 2021 1:43 PM
Okay, I just wanted to make a post because quite some people are confused by Riot's statement they made when talking about VALORANT mobile:
“Console’s obvious for FPS, right? [...] But this type of game, a tactical shooter, on console is not easy. It’s not easy to have that level of competitive integrity on a platform where the controller is fighting you for that. And we just didn’t want it. [...] So we found it took to mobile quicker and it took to mobile easier.”
So the general confusion most people have is why Riot says that the mobile platform can have a better competitive integrity. The simple answer? Gyro.
A gyroscope allows the user to rotate/tilt their device in order to control the in game camera, which is a lot more accurate than using a stick to control the camera speed. Its more similar to a mouse in that when you move the mouse/when you turn the controller, the in game camera moves proportionally. With a stick you move the stick and the in game camera changes speed, which is harder to be accurate with because you have to also account for time when aiming with a stick. I made a quick demonstration of me playing gyro aiming in a deathmatch lobby (against mk users, idk if there is SBMM but I am dia 2 on that account) for those you who want to actually see what its capable of:
I do use a controller in the video but since phone's also have a gyroscope, the gameplay in the video will be similar to how mobile gameplay will look like (ofc lower graphics settings and whatnot).
But this begs the question "why can't you just port it to consoles, seeing as you can use gyroscope with a controller as seen in the video". xbox. Microsoft (for whatever reason) refuse to add gyroscopes to their controllers which means that you can't use gyro aiming whatsoever on an xbox controller (unless you add attatchments). This means that Riot either will have to disclude xbox (not good), use stick aiming without aim assist (near impossible), use stick aiming with aim assist (not good). As you can see the situation is quite complicated so I think Riot haven't started working on consoles till they figure out a solution.
On a brighter note, gyro is pretty much confirmed to be in the mobile release by this leaker on twitter:
As you can see, there are settings for gyro so the likelihood of the official game having it on mobile is high. Most big mobile games (PUBG and COD mobile) include options for gyro aiming so it makes sense for them to follow suit since it works so well in those games.
If you have any questions about gyro/mobile valorant, comment and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability. I'll answer some quick common questions so make sure to see if your question was one of them. (I will also add more questions as they come into the comments section).
"Gyro is uncomfortable because you have to do a 180 degree turn on your phone if there is someone behind you". Most of the time, you'll be using the touch aiming for more broad 'aiming' (turning corners, checking behind you etc.) and the gyro will be reserved for more precise aiming.
"Gyro is bad because I have to move my arms around too much will can get tiring". In the gameplay video I linked earlier, I had my controller in my lap and probably only turned the controller around 20 degrees on each side. If you find it uncomfortable it is likely because your sensitivity is low. I use a sensitivity of 3 (a turn of x degrees on my controller causes a turn of 3x degrees in game) which is comfortable for me.
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