What if yoru could set up utility while ulted

Posted by Steve

Friday, May 21, 2021 5:05 AM

Yoru's ult is basically a glorified skye dog that in that most of the time you use it to get info. Something I realized is that yoru ult is the only duelist ult where you cant use your utility. So something interesting that could elevate yoru could be him being able to set up utility in the short time he's in ult.

The main weakness of yoru footsteps is that you have to be at the place you want to fake out sometime during the round but if you could do it while ult you would be able to so you can set up future plays. He would also be able to set down his tp in case he forgot to or didn't have time to while he ulted and again throw his tp in a spot he'd normally never be able to during a normal round.

My last idea is probably a bit busted but yoru could set up his flashes. How it would work is that yoru will throw his flash but it will stay at the point he threw it until he gets out of ult at which point the flash would act like a normal yoru flash but starting at the point he threw it earlier. Also if they were to do full-body clones for his fakeout I think the fakeout also turning invisible and look ulted would help yoru be a deception agent since the global voice line puts everyone on high alert. With these changes to ult I think yoru would become terrifying since you still have to worry about where yoru is while also worrying about what he set up during his ult.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/nh3sda/what_if_yoru_could_set_up_utility_while_ulted/
  • https://reddit.com/nh3sda

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