What's your favorite agent?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, June 29, 2022 2:12 PM

Did you ever imagined yourself as you favorite Valorant agent?

I've been playing Valorant for three months and as I want to get better I always watch coach videos and streams. My favorite coach if Tiffae bc she teach very well and she's very cute and funny.

I also love to watch all the competitions and I'm in love with the Brazillian female team Liquid cast!

Because of this I drew Tiffae as Viper and Team Liquid's Daiki as Valorant agents!

What's your favorite agent?
I can turn you into them if you ask me!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/vmpgfw/whats_your_favorite_agent/
  • https://reddit.com/vmpgfw

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