what's the right movement sequence from moving shooting?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, December 24, 2020 2:12 AM

right now I just take my left hand off the keyboard and aim and shoot, is that right?

I hear you can counter strafe to get accuracy better faster, but the thing is I only know how to do that moving side to side, i.e. with A and D buttons. however, when you're walking you're not a crab right? you're also walking forward, so you're holding down either W or WA, WD simultaniously. how do you counter strafe those? do you tap D to cancel your W? do you tap SD and SA to cancel your WA and WD, respectively? does it make a difference when you're walking vs running (i.e. if you're walking you don't need to counter strafe just take ur hand off the keyboard) ?

how would you go about practicing moving and shooting? in the range practice tool I just stand still and shoot at heads, I could do that like 30min / day no problem, but I dont know how that transition to a real situation when you're moving from place to place, and had to stop and aim and such. some pointers there would be nice too

thanks in advance :D


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kioyeo/whats_the_right_movement_sequence_from_moving/
  • https://reddit.com/kioyeo

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