When are we going to see a shorter-round unrated?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, May 7, 2022 8:40 PM

With all the surrendering happening, and i've seen A LOT, people just don't want to "waste" time when they're already down so much.

Unrated is 13 wins, spike rush is 4 wins, replication is 5 wins. Give us a 9-round win, or even a 7-round win. For all the casual players who don't like to commit to a full unrated game. Replace replication with it.

I've been spamming replication instead of unrated for the past week. The minute i go to unrated, SURRENDER.


Spike rush isnt really a place to practice when all those orbs change the dynamic of the game. Pistol round? Nope, someone got a goldgun or an ulti orb.

Deathmatch? It's a mess.

Replication is the closest one we have to practice besides unrated.

Just change the Replication system, pick an agent, first to 5 or 7 wins, swap round 4 or 6, same eco. Quick 20 minute 'unrated' game. I would rather have this than the 40 minute unrated games i'm having.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ujpah5/when_are_we_going_to_see_a_shorterround_unrated/
  • https://reddit.com/ujpah5

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