Which agent needs a Buff and which needs a nerf and why?

Posted by Steve

Friday, January 7, 2022 11:04 PM

Right I know I'm probably gonna get hate for this and that's fair but there's a handful of agents that are balanced but there's also a handful of others that fall on either side of overpowered and underpowered spectrum.

In my opinion there are two that jump out straight away, these being jett and phoenix. While jett has been consistently one of the best duelists in the game, surpassing reyna in terms of power in my opinion since the start, while phoenix has just been left in the dust by every other agent in the game, being the least picked duelist by far and that's due to a handful of issues.

Simply put, phoenix is underpowered. He lacks the same regenerative abilities as reyna, he lacks the same firepower as raze, he can't keep up with the likes of jett and lacks the same teleportation powers as Yoru.

Tbh I have no idea how you could either Buff or nerf either of them. Since it would effectively be buffing one to be too powerful and nerfing the other into obscurity. I've has a few ideas but I think my buffs for phoenix are too broken and my nerfs for jett are just too much...

But idk who do you think should be buffed/nerfed and why?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ry0myz/which_agent_needs_a_buff_and_which_needs_a_nerf/
  • https://reddit.com/ry0myz

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