which agent's flash is the most annoying to you?

Posted by Steve

Sunday, May 7, 2023 11:33 PM

which agent do you hate being flashed by the most? I think for me it's reyna. despite being able to just shoot the flash and destroy it, it just really messes everything up for you sometimes. for example: when you hold an angle, reyna pushes the site, and you get flashed by her. if you shoot it, the whole enemy team will just know your location and prefire you. if you don't just pray that nobody checks you until the flash goes off. or when you wanna push something, but reyna flashes immediately as she enters the site with her team. also, sometimes when you hold an angle and reyna enters with her flash, you just can't peak cause you will be flashed.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/139eq42/which_agents_flash_is_the_most_annoying_to_you/
  • https://reddit.com/139eq42

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