wholesome teammates are best teammates (story)

Posted by Steve

Friday, January 29, 2021 3:24 PM

Something very wholesome that happened to me yesterday. I was playing Omen in a ranked game in Split, we started out on the Attack side and I was playing really badly, it was clear that our team was better individually but I had low confidence and I was dragging my team down, what surprised me the most is none of my team was toxic, they were actually very nice to me, kept telling me "nt" which surprised me a lot since usually I'd get cursed at for bottom fragging from toxic teammates. the game was very close even after a few rounds on the defense side, every round I would be the last to die and I wasn't impactful at all but my teammates were always nice to me which I admit got me fired up to not let them down.

fast forward, it's 12-11 for them we manage to go to OT, and we win the first OT round on attack, now it's 12-13 and we're on the defense side. Lo and behold I'm the last one alive in my team against 4 players of the other team, it's basically guaranteed to go to double OT at this point, my teammates go silent maybe because they already know the outcome or maybe because they don't want to distract me. And here I am 1v4.

At that point I've also given up since I had 14Hp, but I'll do what I can, by the time my last teammate died, it was getting intense in mid and I was coming from CT to B Alley, I move quietly to under B Heaven and I hear enemies rushing, I found 2 enemies with knives out rushing from mid to B Heaven and I mow them down with the Odin. One of them had the spike then it turned to be 1v2 (Reyna and Raze). The enemy Raze uses her Boom bot, I destroy it quickly and I then TP to B Alley.

Out of panic, I use my ult to that area between Bottom Mid and B Link, by the time I started moving, I found the enemy Raze rushing from Mid Vent to Top Mid apparently they thought I'd used my ult to TP to the A site and apparently after I TP'd to B Alley, the enemy Raze took the spike. Anyway, I find Raze rushing with a knife out and I mow her down too. At that point I had no idea where the enemy Reyna was, I Tp'd back from Mid mid to B link and I hear the enemy Reyna's footsteps but I can't pinpoint her location then the footsteps got louder and I realized she was coming from B Heaven to Top Mid. There were basically 13 seconds on the timer

It was enough for her to take the spike and plant which something I didn't want to happen but I also couldn't risk getting killed with 14 Hp, so I made some noise and got the hell away out from there, my heart was beating incredibly fast and I was extremely nervous. Apparently the enemy Reyna thought I'd be camping there so she didn't take the spike and ran away, she kept looking for me and I have already ran away to B Lobby near Attackers spawn. Once the time ran out and won the game 12-14 (us), I found my teammates screaming in joy "HOLYYYYY SHIIIIT HE ACTUALLY DID IT" "DUUUUUUDE YOU FLEXINJA'D THEM" and I almost cried out of joy.

I wish I could've recorded it but unfortunately my PC is potato and would lag heavily. It was low gold elo. It goes without saying that you should never be toxic to your teammates no matter how badly they perform, my teammates never pointed out my mistakes because they trusted I'd learn from them myself and they were always encouraging. Always be nice to others, sometimes things aren't always in their control.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/l799ls/wholesome_teammates_are_best_teammates_story/
  • https://reddit.com/l799ls

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