Who's your main and how did they become your main?

Posted by Steve

Friday, August 12, 2022 4:50 AM

Just a fun discussion question.

Having started two months ago, I knew there were two agents I wanted to try: Jett and Reyna. Jett because knives and as a COD melee guy I wanted to try her out but grew to not really enjoy her playstyle, Reyna because she had a cool design. I tried both out but realised that I don't enjoy entry-fragging that much and the entire duelist style is not for me.

Then I saw Fade. I saw her as goth Reyna at first but liked her design enough to give her a shot. I really really liked her style of play and from there I just went ham with her and other controllers/initiators. I've tried others like Omen and Viper (my second) but always come back to Fade when I can.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/wlhuz1/whos_your_main_and_how_did_they_become_your_main/
  • https://reddit.com/wlhuz1

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