Why do we bother showing act ranks before a game loads if we don't show them in a lobby any more?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, March 11, 2021 8:55 AM

I much preferred the old system regardless of the dodges it caused. At the plat level it's insane how different each game can be, you can be the only high plat/diamond player and somehow get a full silver/gold team with no comms. I'm tired of the "hurr d3 act rank isn't carrying me" gold/plat players. All it does it create an environment where lower players think they're getting a free win/loss depending on the team they're on. And then if they don't they're toxic beyond anything about it.

At the very least if you KNOW your whole team is gold you can play different than you would at diamond.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m2184r/why_do_we_bother_showing_act_ranks_before_a_game/
  • https://reddit.com/m2184r

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