Why Brimstone is weak and needs a buff

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 8, 2021 2:26 PM

Coming from a dedicated Brimstone main who stopped playing him-

Why Brimstone needs a buff

- One of the lowest pick rates in the game, irrelevant compared to Astra or Viper, even on Bind.

- Can't smoke chokepoints far from his location (so much for being a "controller"). You need to put yourself way out there to even smoke common spots like Heaven on Bind or Screens on Split.

- Stim beacon kinda useless.

- Three un-rechargeable smokes are useless compared to other controllers with rechargeable smokes and ability to smoke anywhere.

Pretty much explains it

How he needs to be buffed

- Increased size of tactical/holographic map to be almost global like other agents, both for smokes and ult.

- Replace stim beacon with something useful. Maybe an armor restoring beacon for teammates restoring 10-15 armor or something like that. Costs $200.

- Give him one free rechargeable smoke, recharges in 40-45 seconds.

TLDR- Controller having limited smokes and limited range to deploy said limited smokes makes zero sense. Stim beacon useless. Needs buff.

Edit 1- Pick rates if you're wondering- https://www.vlr.gg/event/agents/449/valorant-champions

Edit 2- Here's something funny. Brim literally has some kind of util dumping satellite at his disposal and the goddamn satellite range is limited by his stupid iPad lmao.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/raz5hn/why_brimstone_is_weak_and_needs_a_buff/
  • https://reddit.com/raz5hn

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