Posted by Steve
Friday, December 2, 2022 4:21 PM
I posted this a while ago but it got removed. Flash forward a month and Rito added it to the game lol. Here is my original post talking about how to fix chamber, and why these nerfs address the core of the issue(I know it’s kind of long). Edit: clarity TLDR: Chamber’s instant tp is not the problem, the problem is that he can tp instantly AND tp long distances, and to nerf him without ruining the agent, riot needs to shorter his tp distance
Original post(October 21):
Title: A Detailed Explanation of the Problem With Chamber and a Potential Nerf
Recently I've seen a lot suggestions about potential ways to nerf chamber, and I've seen a lot of people talking about nerfing the headhunter or his ult, but pretty much all of these suggestions either would completely kill chamber or wouldn't make much impact to his pick rate.
Take a look at old Jett. Riot nerfed her smokes and her ult, and increased her updraft cost, but in the end, the only thing that made Jett truly balanced was addressing her dash. Chamber's problem is his teleport, more specifically, how versatile it is. Yes, the instant TP and untradability is annoying, and him being able to teleport half way across the map is also powerful, but neither of those are inherently broken. The problem is that he can do both. Other agents such as Jett and Reyna can instantly disengage from a fight, but both of them not only have a prerequisite for this, but more importantly, you know that if a Jett dashes away, you know more or less where she will be. Same with Reyna. On the flip side, an agent like Yoru can tp really far away, but at the cost of having a slow TP. The problem with Chamber is that he has the best of both worlds: an instant AND long distance TP(that also recharges based off of time rather than kills). All of this makes his rendezvous extremely hard to play against.
So how do we fix this? One thing I love about Riot is that their nerfs are usually spot on. During the Astra meta, many people suggested limiting her star range, or removing her recall mechanic completely, but Riot nerfed her in a way that kept her core playstyle the same. Similarly, the Jett nerfs, while they (kind of) fixed Jett's dominance with the awp, it kept her aggressive potential and playstyle as a duelist. Though I'm just as sick of the Chamber meta as everyone else, I don't want to completely kill the agent.
As I mentioned above, Chamber's problem is being able to instantly TP, as well as teleport an extremely long distance. While a lot of people have suggested adding a delay with his TP, I don't feel like this fits his character well. Instead I feel like a significant nerf to his distance would keep his character identity better. While you could just nerf the anchor distances, I think a better method would be to make him only have one anchor(that actual circle which he can teleport within would probably need to be buffed to 20-25m to make this viable). Whenever he is in the radius, he can teleport back to the anchor itself(center of circle). This way, though he still has the potential to hold an off angle, get a kill, then get out, he still isn't completely safe. Similar to Jett, Reyna, Omen, or other agents with mobility abilities, his teleport allows him to get out, but not impossible to punish. Also, this would more clearly define which maps he is good on, since it would mean on maps with shorter sightlines(such as Bind), pushing the chamber after he TP's would be easier, compared to a map like Breeze, where even if Chamber only tps a few meters from his original position, he may still be all the way across mid. Anyways, let me know what you guys think of this, and feel free to put any of you own suggestions in the comments.
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