Why are the comms so bad in this game?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, June 5, 2021 1:57 PM

First off, I’m not a super high rank in this game (gold 3 - plat 2). I have much higher rank in CS and I think I am probably close to diamond in this game but I just don’t play enough. While I do find the game fun and a breath of fresh air, I really can’t believe how bad most people’s comms are. Or sorry let me rephrase that and say how surprised I am by the lack of comms. I get that people are cued up together and I don’t expect perfect comms but for ffs, please relay important information. This is not just for me but for our team. The amount of times that I’ve been spectating my teammates trying to clutch where one of them has some important information about the enemy but just decides to stay quiet is shocking. I’m left having to communicate for them (which I generally hate doing when I’m dead). What’s worse is that people start to speak when it suits them and when its to roast a teammate. I don’t know if it’s because it’s too fast paced or just the community but people really can’t play and effectively/positively talk at the same time and I think that’s the biggest problem mid/low elo players have.

I always hear people talking about how valorant requires more synergy and communication because of agents having specific utility but I don’t find this true at all. In CS, even in low elo, I feel like there is much more communication because people understand they really can’t do everything themselves and they are more focused on the tactical aspect. Not saying all the comms are great and for sure there a lot of toxic people but atleast the team is talking which i find more fun to play. While I love the idea of agents and unique abilities in valorant, I think too many players get too hyper-focused on their cool abilities and just want to make plays for themselves and not the team. Remember this is supposed to be a tactical shooter, where INFORMATION is the most important thing, not your crazy jett plays with your knives or your 1vX clutches with reyna. Maybe its the community being toxic where people feel scared to speak or the just the nature of agents being able to make plays on their own, but whatever the case is, I will tell you right now that you won't be able to rank up as high as you want by being slient.

Now I do hate going on rants without any kind of solutions and I do want to help teach the players that want to learn so here are some comms (I know Im not a high lvl but you don't need to be a high rank to have elite comms):

BEGINNER COMMS (start with these if you're new):

"I hear X amount of players rushing"

"Smoking these areas"

"PLANTING" (I swear nobody ever says this and just expects everybody to know)

*"*I can buy"

"Buy or save?"

Say where you died from if you know and how much they are hit for

Simple nt after every lost clutch by your teammate


"Let me know if you need a smoke"

"Bomb down"

"I am leaving this area"

"I can heal or I have heal in X seconds"

"Can I get a rotate"

"They have an awp"

"Agent(s) X are here"

"Darting this area" (briefly telling your teammates which areas it scans (doesnt scan) can be useful)

"I can flash"

"Let me drone/dog/boombot/dash/ult"

Pretty much comming everytime you use or want to use an ability


"The enemy always does this, can we try so and so"

"They are executing or about to execute" (we can retake or push?)

"Wait for me for retake....I can use these abilities"

"{agent} dead {area you killed them}" (this one is easy but I find nobody ever says this)

"Can we try this play?"

"Be careful of this area, enemy might be there"

"Last 2 on site A, run B"

Slow down when there arent many players alive and talk about the next play with your teammates

Notice how a lot of these comms are one liners and don't need to be full explanations. Get in the habit of playing as team and then you will be able to see your growth as a player reach new heights and your win % increase as well :)

Curious to know what you guys think


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/nsba3v/why_are_the_comms_so_bad_in_this_game/
  • https://reddit.com/nsba3v

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