Why Doesn't Valorant Have Ability Clarity?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, March 18, 2021 7:43 AM

Was this ever stated?

I came over from league and Riot has a huge emphasis on clarity for abilities in the game. Why is it that I go to Valorant patch notes and see "Jett Smokes from 7 seconds -> 4.5 seconds" and my first thought is "huh, I had no idea Jett had smokes that lasted 7 seconds."

It would be a huge help with the learning curve, especially when picking up new agents if you KNEW exactly what your abilities did. How long do brim smokes last? How long do Omen smokes last? What is the max damage a Sova shock dart can do? What is the duration of Viper's molly? How long does Sage wall last? Things like this would be so easy to insert into the tooltip of the ability but they just aren't existent. Instead, you have to go to the wiki to learn what your abilities do. I haven't seen anyone else talk about this and I just don't understand why this wasn't one of the first things added to the game.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m68egc/why_doesnt_valorant_have_ability_clarity/
  • https://reddit.com/m68egc

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