why are duelists expected to have a high kd

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 19, 2022 2:12 AM

yes, they enter site first but usually they'll just get traded(they're literally running into site not knowing what to expect, ofc they will die 10 seconds into the round a lot). its not like other roles will never take duels either, its just they get to choose what duel they take which wld give them the advantage, allowing them to get more kills. they also get to trade the duelist. they will be alive longer than the duelist, thus more kills. why do ppl see a bottom frag duelist and immediately assume hes doing a bad job?? my kd on sage is a lot higher than jett bc i dont need to make any risky plays and can take fights that are to my advantage


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/yxo6fj/why_are_duelists_expected_to_have_a_high_kd/
  • https://reddit.com/yxo6fj

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