Why does everyone hate defaulting?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 30, 2021 7:29 AM

So I'm plat 2-3 and when I ask my team to default, they either say "yeah" then proceed to 4 man rush a site and get mowed down in combination with slows, mollies, grenades, etc, or they get mad that I'm playing like a "pussy," and completely ignore it. Why why why. Unless we are extremely coordinated and have a planned execute (which trust me never happens in plat) default is 100% the way to go most rounds as long as it's done right. Just show presence, bait out some of those pesky slows and nades without wasting too much of your own util (especially smokes) then bum rush a site if you want it literally just makes it easier. Please default D:


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/qi3ed7/why_does_everyone_hate_defaulting/
  • https://reddit.com/qi3ed7

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