Why does everyone main duelist?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 1, 2021 10:07 AM

I have used Reyna as my main since I started playing as she fit my aggressive play style. I have been hard stuck bronze for the past 3-4 months. I used to instalock Reyna and I’d lose a lot of games because then others would choose duelist and we’d be running a 3-5 duelist team. Last week I said screw it and started choosing last. I went from bottom of bronze 3 to top of silver two by only playing sova, omen, and a little bit of chamber. Out of 15 games I won 14, went on an 11 win streak, and team/match mvp 3-4 games. Im not saying no one should use duelist, I’ve been carried by good duelist and gotten dogged on by good duelist. But why do so many people instalock duelist to sit back and not push site. It doesn’t make sense that I have to go smokes, and push site, and challenge gunfights more. I’ve gotten to play Reyna once since ive been in silver because I rather have a good team composition. Again I’m not saying no one should use duelist, I’ve played with a lot of good ones. I’m just curious why duelist are chosen so much even when not played the way they are meant to, and am I better off just practicing with a different agent and using them as a main instead?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/r600mp/why_does_everyone_main_duelist/
  • https://reddit.com/r600mp

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