Posted by Steve
Monday, April 4, 2022 4:50 PM
To preface, I’m not talking about the general toxicity and misogyny that goes on in this game (I feel like there’s a lot of dialogue on this already). I’m more so asking about experiences that me and some of my girl friends have had after playing this game for the past year or so.
From me and my gal friends’ experiences, we’ve all had chill randoms that are guys who would initially consistently queue with us but would then eventually stop playing after they find out any of the following about us girls: • if we’re taken • if we’re lesbian or bi • if there’s a significant age difference
I know those would not be the ONLY reasons why someone would stop playing someone else. Like yeah, it could be because I’m dogshit at the game LMAO But I feel like it has to be a contributing factor for how often it happens.
Obviously IRL, those would be deal breakers for guys to not pursue said girl. But this isn’t IRL and we’re playing a silly online FPS game ?? But also damn, can’t you still be friends ?? Also, if we do play well together, isn’t that enough reason to queue with someone? Like do guys really think girls swoon over them top fragging? Also, isn’t it kinda weird to want to pursue a complete random who doesn’t even know what I look like and probably only knows me by my IGN?
I was wondering if this resonates with other girls. It’s not necessarily directly detrimental to my experience playing Valorant but it’s just kinda weird to think about. Don’t know if this matters but for context, my gal friends and I are college aged who play in lower elo lobbies (silver-gold).
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You all are so amazing, tysm :') I posted my video in r/valorant and I got hundreds of views, I have to admit that it brought me to tears. Hundreds isn't a lot, but to me it's very heartwarming. Thank you all so much. This is my newest video!

Posted by Otto
Tuesday, August 17, 2021 8:55 PM
is around 5k hours in FPS games or CSGO really what it takes to be good at this game?
Posted by Otto
Sunday, November 29, 2020 12:31 AM
REYNA /// Mexico

Posted by Otto
Saturday, May 30, 2020 5:00 PM