Why is it harder to rank up in Iron than Bronze or Silver?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 28, 2020 7:00 PM

Ive never seen matches with some dude getting 30-50 kills on Bronze much less Silver. Sure I would have games where i get 0-13 in those ranks but the kills are atleast somewhat distributed and it really just meant i sucked fat cock in those games. I was really okay with smurfs especially when two smurfs fight each other and we just so kinda cheer them on but this is getting ridiculous. Its not even a one time thing either, i would get these kinds of matches in succession especially at comp. At this point iron is just a platinums punching bag. I cant even "learn" from these smurfs cuz they just fucking send me to the afterlife if i get a millisecond of eye contact on them. How do these guys keep staying on iron when they get high elo on comp lmfao. Anyways thats all lol.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/k267f0/why_is_it_harder_to_rank_up_in_iron_than_bronze/
  • https://reddit.com/k267f0

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