Why the hell isnt Reynas soul orbs head height?

Posted by Steve

Sunday, July 31, 2022 5:33 AM

I know some Reyna players have encountered this before, especially on maps such as Breeze and Fracture where there is a ton of spots where only your head is visible.

Problem is when you get a kill on someone from these spots, you can not heal or use dismiss. This is because the orb lands on their feet, so if they have any sort of cover you have to reposition or jump just to get the orb. This is just sort of stupid that this is a thing.

Reyna is arguably one of the weaker agents at this point, so I think Riot should make it so you can heal and dismiss as long as you have line of sight to where you killed someone. Anyone else agree?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/wbfuh2/why_the_hell_isnt_reynas_soul_orbs_head_height/
  • https://reddit.com/wbfuh2

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