Posted by Steve
Saturday, December 11, 2021 12:31 PM
I play ranked with 2 other friends. We're all plats. But we have a couple other bronze and silver friends so we mostly play unranked to play with them.
The thing is: when I'm playing (unranked) with them, I always think I've been carried to plat by them. I'm terrible. Like it takes me 6 rounds to get a single kill while they go 18/3.
When I'm playing solo, I often have diamond and immortals in both teams and I get match mvp or at least I'm able to play at their level. I've had a game where the enemy team had 2 immortals and a d2, my reyna was immortal, and I got match mvp with 25/10 after we won 13-3. I had 25% HS rate in that game. In another example, I got match mvp as KJ with over 10 kills above our immortal Jett.
But then I play with my friends and regardless of wether the enemy is silver or diamond, I get 9% hs rate, negative K/D, and the entire game feels awkward.
This is very consistent as well. To the point where I feel bad playing with them because I'm clearly making them lose, and I look forward to play solo. I've considered it being caused by my adhd and the fact that in solo q people only talk when it's really necessary and my friends talk all the time, so I lose focus.
But I really don't know and I'm too anxious to play ranked alone.
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