Posted by Steve
Saturday, February 5, 2022 6:31 PM
I have had a lot of WEIRD Neon players I guess to say the least. where they do very unorthodox style plays. I guess that is the type of agent they are but I don't understand why sprinting at the enemy up mid right at someone is the play you choose.
It's like the Neons I have come across like to do crazy solo covert missions instead of entering as a team while we all sit C long she is zooming into a B set up and getting roasted. It comes across as they don't give a F about their rank/KD or any sort of teamwork they just wanna go in get their 1 and not play their life.. Like.. at all. defense? What are you talking about. they don't have any contact they full sprint onto a flank and 3 rounds in its a super predictable play.
I have had some Neons do well and honestly the agent is super fun to play. It's just when I see someone get their agent snagged and they go right to neon and lock in.. it's like they have mentally thrown the game already lol.
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