Posted by Steve
Monday, July 11, 2022 1:57 PM
So for reference, I started in beta. I peaked plat in ep 1 act 1 on one of my older accounts. I struggle to improve at all. I have over 900ish matches on all my accounts combined. Yet my main is still stuck in the silver 3-gold 2 range. I have been aim training for a month now and have significantly better aim than most players in my rank. I have a 36.9% headshot percent overall and 47 with vandal. I am not sure what I am lacking. I rarely ever use utility. Here is my main accounts stats and match history: I feel that after playing for this long I shouldn't still be stuck in this rank. I have been in the same rank range since ep 1 act 2. The account I hit plat on after beta is this one: I really want to climb but something is holding me back. And I have been lacking in this place for literally ever. I think my hs % is a testament at least to my crosshair placement. Maybe I lack impact if it isn't fragging? Possibly game sense? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Or any tips on how you climbed/improved. From my stats, I obviously play quite often and spread out since beta so it isn't being new to the game.
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