Posted by Steve
Friday, January 1, 2021 10:07 AM
Just played a ranked match that put me over the breaking point. I was top drag, but it doesn’t matter because we had a phoenix that constantly threw his molly’s and walls at his teammates, flashed us, wrote our position in chat, etc.
It was an unbearable game. The kicker? He did all this because he was a smurf who’s rank was getting too high, so he decided to derank. And I know for a fact nothing will happen to him, even though our entire team reported him. And even if he did get banned, he could just make a new account.
This completely and utterly ruined the game experience for me, and it isn’t the first time that it’s happened to me either. People like this should be HARDWARE BANNED, no other option whatsoever. Refusing to hardware ban team sabotagers means Riot simply does not care about smurfs or the lower ranks whatsoever.
Pathetic. This left a horrible taste in my mouth.
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