Why do I match up with silvers and bronze 3s when I'm gold 2...

Posted by Steve

Friday, December 24, 2021 12:31 AM

recently I got to gold, and climbed to gold 2, and part of the reason I wanted to reach gold is so I won't need to carry, and I will play with good teammates, and I can play agents like Astra and trust my team... and yes, it happens, but sometimes I get games where my teammates are like bronze 3-silver2 insta lock duelists with no entry frag and I'm left alone with another gold player who's playing a support (gold 1-2)... and I'm Astra, I'm smoking (like in valorant), I'm pulling, I'm stunning and my team doesn't get value out of it... I do get value, but not enough to win the game...


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/rmu9n6/why_do_i_match_up_with_silvers_and_bronze_3s_when/
  • https://reddit.com/rmu9n6

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