Posted by Steve
Tuesday, January 26, 2021 4:07 PM
I was not going to make this post originally because it has happened before with one rank above the grouping. However, Platinum 1 is 2 ranks above what the matchmaking is supposed to match with. How is this fair at all for players trying to grow and get better, when you are being headshotted by really good and consistent players. The highest I am able to queue with is Gold 2, so why am I getting matched with Platinum 1?
I have never been close to Platinum before and the highest rank I have played is Gold 1, which was last act. I hoping Valorant fixes this soon because competitive is unplayable when I am playing with people way above my level. I am also NAE, so I do not understand, because there is definitely not a lack of players in this region.
Not only do I have to deal with the toxicity of teammates, but now I have to deal with really good players one tapping me with a Vandal.
Here is the photo: Proof of Unfair Matchingmaking
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