Why do I play better on my alt account, and how do I fix this? (ranked anxiety)

Posted by Steve

Sunday, April 4, 2021 8:12 PM

I'm pretty sure the reason why I play on my alt account is because I play aggressive and am confident in my abilities, but the problem is that I am worse on my main account. On both accounts I am silver. However, I consistently drop 30 kills on my alt and 20 on my main. I noticed that if I play bad on pistol round on my main account, I'll play worse for the rest of the game. I have good mechanics and decent game sense, but I can't seem to hit my shots as consistently on my main account. I want to get rid of my ranked anxiety, and become more consistent. Does anybody have the same problem or a solution? Thanks.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/mjpxau/why_do_i_play_better_on_my_alt_account_and_how_do/
  • https://reddit.com/mjpxau

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