Why have I been playing only Diamond/plat players for my entire climb up through silver/gold?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, August 30, 2022 6:02 PM

Over the past week, I've grinded from Silver 2 all the way to Plat 2 but the climb has been made so much harder because I literally only match with people way above me. Even in Silver I was against someone Ascendant and the rest of the team was plat/dia. I'm not smurfing and I don't top frag all that often. For the entire climb I was probably middle of the team on average hovering around 15-20 kills but rarely was I the 30 kill carry. I'd say I bottom frag more often than I finish top 2 but it can go either way if I'm having a good day.

TLDR, the game thinks I'm smurfing and makes every game extremely hard on me when I am completely average at the game.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/x199bk/why_have_i_been_playing_only_diamondplat_players/
  • https://reddit.com/x199bk

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