Why is it illegal to want to try and win in unrated?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 2, 2021 9:52 PM

Pretty much the title. I play unrated with my girlfriend and other friends that I'm not allowed to play ranked with (due to skill disparity), but it seems like unrated is nothing but a cesspool unless you have a 5-stack. People flame and throw if you ask them to stop peaking and dying 3s into each round, you have constant trolls (phoenix throwing mollies at my feet when holding angles, flashing into my face when holding angles, flame wall to damage when defusing, etc.), and it ruins the experience completely. It honestly sucks and ruins my night because all I ask for is a game where teammates try, don't troll, and works towards winning the game.

I get that unrated is supposed to be a less-serious atmosphere, but what is the benefit of trolling/throwing? I'm not asking people to put their sweatbands on and try as if this is an IEM major, but asking for the slightest of effort. The most tilting aspect is the fact that if I try and win the game, I'm flamed by teammates for being a tryhard, as well as the enemies (ie: "go play ranked you sweaty fuck"). I truly don't understand the rationale of "it's just unrated bro" when people are legit buying Operators with 5100 credits in the bank and peeking the same angle for the 6th round in a row, just to get one-tapped on repeat.

Maybe I'm the problem, but I genuinely am discouraged and losing the will to play the game at all in general due to the inability to have an enjoyable experience when playing with 2 of my friends that I can't play ranked with.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lvvdtu/why_is_it_illegal_to_want_to_try_and_win_in/
  • https://reddit.com/lvvdtu

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