Why do low elo players love duelists so much?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, October 5, 2021 5:05 AM

I've been playing a bit of comp recently, and I got placed in Bronze 2. Every match I play, there's always at least two people that instantly lock a duelist, (usually Reyna or Jett) and sometimes even three, then go on to have a sub .9 KDA. My question is, what do these players think? I've been doing research on team comps before playing competitive, and I can't see things with their eyes.

(No offence to low elo duelist mains, I just really had to ask cuz it's so odd to me)


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/q0o5zt/why_do_low_elo_players_love_duelists_so_much/
  • https://reddit.com/q0o5zt

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