Why make fun of people who try to speak English ?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, July 27, 2021 8:41 PM

My English isn't excellent so I will use google translate. Sorry in advance for the mistakes :)

I play on European servers where a lot of people with different languages ​​meet in-game.

When I enter the game the first thing I look at is if my allies have voice chat enabled and I always say "hi".

But often I don't have an answer.

A lot of my friends also don't respond when someone tries to communicate in voice chat in their game.

For me the game is easier with voice chat, so I asked them why they weren't using it.

The main reason they gave me was that other players made fun of them when they tried to speak English.

Yesterday I experienced this situation for the first time.

I tried to give information and made a mistake. Two other players spent the next four rounds laughing at me for my mistake (the two remaining players never spoke during the game).

My English is not excellent and I quickly corrected myself.

But I didn't understand why it was necessary to make fun of someone who tries to speak a foreign language that he doesn't use every day.

So my question is: how do you react to this kind of thing?

I have also noticed that 80% of the time the comments about English come from people who don't have English as their mother tongue.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/os4ge3/why_make_fun_of_people_who_try_to_speak_english/
  • https://reddit.com/os4ge3

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