Why are there so many "not serious" players in Bronze-Silver elo ?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, July 5, 2022 5:33 AM

Recently experienced it a lot in solo queue and rarely in duo queue also. The guys in opponent team are trying hard to win the comp game, on the other hand there is my team where the randoms are not serious. I mean I am fine if we loose but atleast we should make a good effort. These a**holes just repeat the same things every round, die to same guy, don't give a hoot.

I know people think I might be blaming my teammates. But let me get this clear, I am definitely not the best but I give my best in every comp game I play. I rarely hear people criticising me coz I play agent to it's role and give comms. But I always get paired with throwers, they proceed to knife enemy when enemy has vandal in hand and loose a 4 v 1 like 3 times in a game.

In my defence, I am many times the guy who is bottom fragging but I never let down my good teammates and keep trying till the end. And this way there have been many games where I was 2/10 in first half, we went on to win with me top fragging. So a good effort is all it takes to make your teammates happy.

Also these throwers usually pick unorthodox agents according to map, like sova on split, phoenix or raze on breeze (just giving examples not sure what fits best in your rank). And these guys never give comms, keep on baiting.

Recent experiences,

  • A guy in comp game "hey I am just learning this agent"
  • another guy in same comp game : not communicating, moving like iron 1, has all weapon skins
  • 4v1 enemy is shooting, I tell them their locations, still not able to win it with enemy still standing same position. One of them tried to knife when enemy was shooting in his face with a vandal

Why some people even play comp when they are not in the mood to atleast try ?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/vr4jxg/why_are_there_so_many_not_serious_players_in/
  • https://reddit.com/vr4jxg

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