Why is there so many people who don’t take ranked seriously?

Posted by Steve

Sunday, January 16, 2022 8:12 AM

I swear every time I queue up for ranked I either get a team full of people who don’t have mics or are just full trolling. My last match nobody com’d except me the ENTIRE game and after we lost 11-13 they all started screaming dumb crap. Do I absolutely have to get on discord to find people worth playing with?

EDIT—— it seems like a ton of people are still completely missing the point of what I was saying. There is literally a whole ass game mode for people who don’t want to take it seriously or try to win, it’s called unrated. Quit ruining the game for people who want to win just for the satisfaction of doing so, because honestly, losing just isn’t a good time. Not that it’s the end of the world but if you don’t give a shit about your rank or your teammates, stay out of ranked, some of us are trying to improve.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/s4dl55/why_is_there_so_many_people_who_dont_take_ranked/
  • https://reddit.com/s4dl55

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