Why are there so many valorant tournaments?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, July 16, 2022 12:02 AM

Im new to watching Valorant Esports but ive noticed Valorant tournaments happen very frequently. I come from CSGO and there there's only 3 majors a year max. For Valorant it seems like Masters is almost a monthly occurrence with VCT going on this month and LCQ the next. Is there a specific reason for this frequency?

I also wanted to know why Valorant doesn't host any big tournaments in a stadium or venue for the public to come cheer and watch? The CSGO majors would do that and if im not wrong, league also does that. But these Valorant tournaments are offline in private venues.

Im assuming my confusion comes from a misunderstanding of how Valorant organizes their esports because I do remember champions was quite hyped up with a whole skin bundle dropping for it. When will we get one of those again?

Last Thought: CSGO incentivized players to watch the majors by making the games accessible in-game as well as on twitch. They also provided item drops and supported players with stickers. Does Valorant have any plans to follow those kind of ideas?

Sorry for the long thread but the whole Esports scene is really confusing so i wanted to get as many questions out in hopes people may have sources or answers.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/vzk3yd/why_are_there_so_many_valorant_tournaments/
  • https://reddit.com/vzk3yd

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