Why you need to stop giving up whenever you’re down a few rounds and keep fighting until the end

Posted by Steve

Monday, December 21, 2020 11:33 AM

Why you need to stop giving up whenever you’re down a few rounds and keep fighting until the end

I know this doesn’t apply to everyone but there’s so many people in my games that start to give up and throw after a 4-8 half or after losing a few rounds in a row.

You should never give up. All you need to do is take it one round at a time.

If you can keep your head straight and keep your teammates focused and not throwing, then once you win one round, then another, and another and the comeback starts getting into motion. The other team will start to get tilted.

If you can keep your mental fortitude up and not let a few lost rounds dictate the outcome of the game then you’re going to have a much higher chance of pulling off a comeback than if you were to just start giving up slowly.

This happened to me recently where my team and I were down in the first half 4-8. I didn’t let this phase us though. I kept the spirits high and made everyone believe that it was possible and that it wasn’t over yet. I made a video on the game that I kept my team hopeful.


We fought until the very end of the game and if you can do that too, win or lose, you’ll know that you put everything into that game and you’ll be more satisfied with the outcome.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kgt91n/why_you_need_to_stop_giving_up_whenever_youre/
  • https://reddit.com/kgt91n

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